‘Mis Round Ups’ for 10/18/20 – 10/24/20

Mis Round Ups for 10/18 to 10/24
You can follow Bri on Twitter @BriRibalta.

Here Are The Jokes of The Week! Written by Me, Bri Ribalta!

1). Pope Francis endorsed same sex civil unions in a new documentary that premiered earlier this week in Rome. My thoughts and prayers to all the homophobes now recovering from the news.

Tweet: https://bit.ly/34oNpPg

Article: https://bit.ly/2TmRehH

2). A man steals from Walgreens while a TV crew is doing a report on store theft. I felt the truth in this man’s reenactment, but I’d lose the scooter – it takes away from the urgency of the character’s need.

Tweet: https://bit.ly/34qN2nq

3). Countries around the world are bracing for a banana shortage due to a fungus, covid-19 & environmental factors. Mis Dominicanos don’t worry I’m an ally willing to fight anyone to get you their bananas, in exchange for food.

Tweet: https://bit.ly/2TmMyIF

Article: https://bbc.in/2Tnh19r

4). Rapper 50 cent stated this week that even though he knows Trump doesn’t like black people he’s voting for the man because he doesn’t want to pay more taxes. Translation: 50 cents vale menos que un quilo prieto.

Tweet: https://bit.ly/3joJx57

Article: https://bit.ly/2TAHdxH

5). The average credit score for Americans went up in July. This almost like a living wage helps people pay bills and debt, which improves their credit.

Tweet: https://bit.ly/3mnSXQr

6). Tiffany Trump did a Trump Pride event and missed the ‘T’ when she called out LGBTQIA+. She probably didn’t think the ‘T’ was needed if they looked like another letter fit them better.

Tweet: https://bit.ly/3mhMvu8

7). Covid delayed a wedding, upended jobs, and took a loved one – all in one Nevada family. I  hope the story heightens as much as the headline.

Tweet: https://bit.ly/34smH8u

Article: https://yhoo.it/34tmdiC

8). The New Yorker suspended reporter Jeffrey Toobin for masturbating during a Zoom call. The jizz of the matter is that he was willing to get his hands dirty, and should be credited for it.

Tweet: https://bit.ly/31HjQqm

Article: https://bit.ly/2TpUOHX

Bri Ribalta

Bri Ribalta. Writer/comedian. Alien from Cuba. Citizen of Miami. Tourist in L.A. Cats, dogs, monkeys and boxes make me happy.

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