Ted Cruz Abstinence Wear, Pepsi + Peeps, Free Donuts, & More – Mis Round Ups for 03/21/21 – 03/27/21

'Mis Round Ups' for 03/21/21 - 03/27/21
You can follow Bri on Twitter @BriRibalta.

Here are the jokes of the week! Written by me, Bri Ribalta!

1). A Cult City Tour attendee was arrested for damaging cameras in Scientology buildings with a pocket laser. You’d think the Church of Scientology has better cameras from planet Xenu that won’t succumb to mediocre human inventions.



2). In not so shocking news, Sharon Osbourne is leaving The Talk for siding with her racist friend and having a history of racist talk. In less shocking news, we are about to hear more of Sharon’s “I’m not racist” side of the story.



3). The endangered honeyeater bird is under threat because it is failing to learn how to sing love songs, and the females are not impressed. I can’t wait for female honeyeaters to start mating with non-honeyeater males, and scientists to write about the phenomenon.

Twitter: https://bit.ly/2NXz8Uk


4). A mom showed up to her daughter’s school wearing a boxing glove alleging that they were super glued to her wrists, fought a child and got arrested. At what point in that elaborate plan did she go..”I’m just gonna wing it if the police shows up?”



5). Pepsi and PEEPS have teamed up to create a marshmallow soda, Pepsi X Peeps. It’s like the universe is giving you all the tools to stay up for a week and finish that screenplay.


6). A beaver walked into a Canadian subway station prompting it’s closure until its removal. Canadians need to stop pretending Justin Bieber is not one of them.



7). Ted Cruz wants to make sure young people are abstaining from sex this Spring Break. Buy your t-shirt now and you won’t have to worry about getting laid.

McConnel in the front and MAGA in the back.
McConnel in the front and MAGA in the back.


8). A cargo ship got stuck at the Suez Canal when the captain tried to make a U-turn because he thought he left on the stove. No one wants to admit it, but that’s a clear attempt at a U-ey gone wrong.

Make sure you didn't leave the stove on before you go to work.
Make sure you didn’t leave the stove on before you go to work.

Twitter: https://bit.ly/2PxiI5y


9). Krispy Kreme will give you a free doughnut every day this year if you’ve been vaccinated, because they know hard headed people love free stuff more than they hate being told what to do.



10). Apple was fined $2 million in Brazil for selling iPhone 12 without a charger. There must be a department at Apple whose sole job is coming up with different shit the company tries to get away with.


Article: https://engt.co/3speGe5

Bri Ribalta

Bri Ribalta. Writer/comedian. Alien from Cuba. Citizen of Miami. Tourist in L.A. Cats, dogs, monkeys and boxes make me happy.

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